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Drum & Bass Producer, Software Developer, Love my Cats

iOS8 Custom Keyboard Template: How to create a custom keyboard

Hi guys

So a few years ago I developed some keyboard for Nokia devices.
They were Symbian and J2ME apps that provided the user more writing languages, since Nokia only gave you 1 or 2 keyboards, even tough the machine had all the fonts and everything.

Android devices let developers create 3rd party keyboards for a long time
During WWDC14 , Apple announced the new iOS8 Extensions API, which allows creating Custom Keyboards for the iPhone

So I set out to look for a template to create my custom keyboard - but naturally fount nothing, as this was the first day they released the iOS8 and Xcode6 betas

Eventually I created my own template for iOS8 custom keyboard

You can download it here: iOS 8 Custom Keyboard Template

A hideous example I built with it:

You can change the xib file to whatever you wish thus creating whatever UI experience you want

Share your keyboards!