About Me

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Drum & Bass Producer, Software Developer, Love my Cats


Google Glasses for the People!

I've been working on a Google Glass clone project on-and-off for a few months now

A Raspberry Pi is auto-connect on startup to my iPhone's hotspot, and projects an AirApp to a re-constructed video glasses display

AirApps are...
PUSH (!!!)
with a minimalistic UI/UX


  • Sunglasses frame
  • Video Glasses LCD components
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Tons of hacking, adjustments and nausea

a model with a model

Biggest challenge: come up with the solution of config'ing the raspberry pi to auto connect to my iPhone's hotspot

Funnest challenge: re-engineering the video glasses

Most interesting challenge: designing and building the AirApps framework

what you see